A change gon’ come

So, you watched “Origins” ———now what?  You “liked” the post that Tamika Mallory had up yesterday, and you thought about donating to Sean King’s latest GoFundMe.

Is that it? – It can’t be it – we can’t afford that to be IT from you. Now it’s time to put the phone down and get to work. Now that you are aWoke, we need you to WORK!

In today’s world, it’s nearly impossible to ignore the pervasive racial injustices that continue to plague our society. From systemic discrimination to acts of violence fueled by bigotry, the need for change is undeniable. Yet, awareness alone is not enough.

“It’s been a long time coming..”

Everyone, from marginalized communities of color to allies and advocates, must resurrect the indomitable spirit of “We Shall Overcome.” The stakes are high, and the challenges immense, but the imperative is clear: we cannot allow the legacy of past struggles to fade into obscurity. With resolve and resilience, we must forge ahead. The time for action is now; the future of justice depends on our unwavering commitment.

I propose a two-step plan that holds promise for everyone. It involves unique, customized-tailored, individualized actions you can undertake to ensure you move beyond superficial rhetoric and engage in impactful efforts toward racial justice. The two-step plan is simple: embrace a journey of self-education tailored to your needs and craft a personalized call to action aligned with your values and capabilities.

Let’s move beyond lip service and take meaningful action by cultivating our own learning experience and designing a personalized call to action.

“A long time coming, but I know”

Step 1 – Cultivate your own learning experience

Start in your house. Start at home. One of the most powerful ways to move from awareness to action is by cultivating your own learning experience. Take a moment to do some self-reflection right now. Look around. Are you currently reading or watching anything to learn more about the historical and systemic roots of racism, as well as the experiences of marginalized communities? If not, get started – NOW!

However, education alone is not enough; you must also be intentional with your movements.

Step 2 – Be the change you want to see

Step 2 involves a personalized call-to-action agenda. Once you’ve cultivated your understanding, it’s time to design your own personalized call-to-action agenda. This involves reflecting on your unique skills, resources, and spheres of influence and identifying ways in which you can contribute to the fight for racial justice. Because it will be personalized, you can ensure your efforts are impactful and sustainable.

There are countless ways to contribute to the fight for racial justice, whether by volunteering with local advocacy organizations, supporting minority-owned businesses, or advocating for policy reforms.

It’s important to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to activism. Each of us has a role to play, and it’s up to us to determine how best to use our time, talents, and resources to serve the greater good. What matters most is that we act, however small or seemingly insignificant it may seem.

In the end, moving beyond awareness requires a willingness to step out of our comfort zones, confront the uncomfortable truths of our society, and work towards building a more just and equitable world for all. It won’t be easy, and it won’t happen overnight. But if we each do our part, we can create a future where racial justice is not just a distant dream but a reality for future generations.

It’s been a long
A long time coming, but I know
A change gon’ come
Oh yes, it will

  • Sam Cook
By Renee O’Connor

2 thoughts on “A change gon’ come

  1. “Be the change you want to see.” Quite empowering! Mirroring what we wish to see in others is important in building leadership and character. Thank you.


  2. “Be the change you want to see.” Quite empowering! Mirroring what we wish to see in others is important in building leadership and character. Thank you.


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