The Revolution Will Not Be Televised…BUT THE VISION is CLEAR

The struggle is real in America. In every corner of the world, people seem at odds with one another. Even within our houses of worship, congregations seem at odds with one another. It feels like a revolution is taking place, and battleground lines have been drawn. No one is backing down, and no one is listening to both sides of the story.

In a land where everyone claims ownership, but no one has the deed, we are all entrenched in our truth. What will it take to open our minds and hearts to learn the truth? If the truth is a secret, how can we spread the word? Some people believe that the truth needs to be televised, and constantly look within the media for the truth to be given to them on a silver platter. But I believe that the truth must be made clear in the context of a revolution, and that revolution must occur inside our minds.

The revolution will not be televised, but the numbers do not lie. In America, we are a country of immigrants, and immigration has made our country grow and progress. Today, immigrants are responsible for 36 percent of all patents in the United States. Immigrants are 80 percent more likely than the native-born to start their own businesses. Border chaos, refugee backlogs, and political fighting are only part of the immigration story…a televised, misguided new story.

The revolution will not be televised, but the tensions are real. It is an election year in most parts of the world this year. Populism and closed thinking are waging a battle against liberal trends and open (more inclusive) thinking. This war can have biblical implications. The relative “peace” in our minds is the crown jewel that needs to be protected.  We seem to be in a turf war of protectionism in this country. It feels like America vs. the world and a real democratic recession. History is complicated and sometimes, the bad guys win. Addressing the war within our borders should be paramount to making peace with ourselves and our history.

The revolution will not be televised, and there is a real scarcity of moral courage in the United States. Diversity is alive and well in the US but it scares many Americans. The thought of human beings that look different, sound different, and worship differently than you do draws a visceral reaction from many Americans. A reaction that makes them uncomfortable and insecure about themselves. When things begin to change, Americans become more tribal and they want to cling to those things that are familiar to them. True change is generated by grassroots efforts, that are raw and direct. The moral courage that we need can only be achieved through healthy and honest dialog between Americans.

The revolution will not be televised, but a radical paradigm shift needs to happen now. Mass media and information technology have accelerated so rapidly that it has led to a rise in illiberal democracy. America was once considered an open society but is slowly becoming more isolated. America seems as though it is struggling from an internal complex. We have no idea of what we want to be, so the internal battle wages on in broad daylight. Mainstream media seems to be winning the battle of America’s soul. We need to take control of our lives and work to make positive and meaningful changes to the world around us. Now is the time to come out of hibernation. We need to take control of the narrative and not allow mass media or information technology to do so for us.

The average life expectancy in the United States has dropped for the second year in a row in 2021, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). The World Health Organization reported that global life expectancy has increased by more than 6 years between 2000 and 20019. Our time on this planet is brief, so we must make haste while the sun shines. This revolution must happen today or there will be no tomorrow for our children and grandchildren to enjoy. The very fabric of America depends upon how we see the “God in us” and how that God resembles that of our neighbors.

The revolution will not be televised, but our mission is clear. To speak beauty and truth to our neighbors, so we all can hear.

By April Griffith Taylor

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