The Revolution Will Not Be Televised.

As I listened to the song “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised” by Gil Scott Hereon, I was reminded that change cannot be fluid without a positive mindset. We must be the change agents by advocating for what we need to succeed. Whether it be an extended helping hand, professional development, or simply a moment to rest, we must create change by staying positive and creating an environment that is safe and creates an atmosphere of growth. Change cannot occur in stagnation.

Creating an atmosphere that fosters creativity, understanding, positive energy, growth, freedom of expression, respect, flexibility, cultural influence, expectations, and modernization is essential to processes of modification.  In order to see change, we must be the change. The significance of seeing change begins with effective communication. Communication is utilized when parties share concepts, or information among one another to convey an important message or concern. Sharing this information with others provides helpful information and collaboration to build upon essential supports and services for future growth and success to promote significant change.

According to John Kotter (1996), there are eight steps to the change model, which include locating a specific problem and determining how the problem can be assessed for a solution. Form a diverse leadership team that is comprised of individuals from various career and expertise levels who can provide strategies to successfully promote change. Next, create an imprint for change by providing a blueprint for what change looks like for your organization according to the agency mission statement,  discuss change, and how others feel about it, look at how change will impact the current state of the organization, and continue preparing the organization for modifications through use of ongoing development and implementation courses.

Change cannot occur unless we listen to understand, provide the necessary information and resources for growth, development, and success, and advocate for those in need. We cannot remain quiet in stagnation. Communication creates opportunity, and opportunity creates change. We cannot simply stop what it takes to get to the next level.

By Dr. Michelle Ned

Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model: Advantages & Disadvantages. Retrieved on March 17, 2024 from 

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